Saturday, April 26, 2008

Gorgeous Saturday Morning!

Wow! From crazy weather all week right into a beautiful, beautiful Saturday morning. Got up early to venture out to the Senior Center Spring Fling. I'm going to make a definite effort to get out and about, whether in the car or just around the home, each day. We like to support the Senior Center as it offers so much help to so many deserving people. This day will definitely be a success for the Center. We bought a "bed in a bag", brand new, for $10.00. Can't beat that. Of course I had to buy some white chocolate chip cookies too. It was great to see so many friends and lots of smiling faces. We didn't stay too long. Virg did a little shopping at our local grocery store. With the price of gas, it just doesn't pay to drive to the big box stores to save a few pennies. Our local farmers' market opens this Wednesday, which will be nice. Not too much in the way of veggies yet but they do have some organic products available and free range chicken, etc. I thought about putting up a squirrel feeder but Cyndi informed me they are varmits, so we will just watch them swing through the large trees out front; they are pretty hilarious this morning. This is a very good day for me, us. I'm feeling good, emotions are good. Please take time to love each other.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Time Runs Right By

As many of you know, I had a nice visit in the hospital in Boise from last Thursday to this past Monday; kidneys stopped working. What a freaky experience and one I do not care to ever repeat. My family stayed by my side and tried so hard to keep me sane, which was extremely difficult (sorry family for all the drama). To my husband, Virg, thank you for saving my life and to my daughter, Cyndi, thank you for notifying Virg I was in trouble. Now, enough about that happening. Cyndi has been with us since Tuesday and claims to be leaving tomorrow - rats! - I have certainly kept her busy - She cut my hair on Wednesday - all thin, spikey, and white now but at least it may stop falling into my food -YUCK. We did it outside and tossed the hair into the wind hoping the birds can use some to fill their nests! We took a ride around around the local lake today. It was nice to get out of the house! Farmers are busy, irrigation is under way. Cyndi and Virg are harrassing me and want me to share that I actually had a drink from Sonic and only had to have two cups this time. Before I kept poking the straw right through the cup - sticky mess. Hey, at least I was strong enough to do it! Hey all, be sure to continue to visit the other blogs - Virg and I thinkn we have the most talented kids and grandkids in the world. I now know how to get into my blog easier, so I will try to keep up better. Here is to a stronger tomorrow and another beautiful day. Love to all - DG

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Beautiful Spring Saturday Morning

One more chemo down - tons more information learned. I am so very greatful for all of my children and grandchildren. You know, when we were first given this diagnosis I had just previously told myself that I wouldn't go through chemo again....and then I saw the smiling eyes of my grandchildren and knew that now was the time to face it, accept it, stare it down and go for the win. Interestingly enough, my first cancer diagnosis was given to me by a tech in radiology at WVMC - I worked with her at second job. She didn't say a word - she was showing the radiologist what she found on the ultrasound and just in turning her head away I saw the tears on her cheek. This time, my PA and a doctor I worked with at the same hospital could barely tell us. My PA and I were in school together. I had to hold them together - a cancer diagnosis is easy to miss and they had indeed missed the first film - it was caught through a routine blood test and for that I am so greatful to them. All of a sudden now this has become harder each day, and not just physically. The emotional toll is unbelieveable. I think mostly because I have worked since age 12 and now I am going to retire through work disability in order to save the cost of my insurance. Financially, we'll be fine - we love what we have been given and appreciate the guidance you have all offered. Well, it is about time for some rest (after a shower!) Please be patient with me while I am trying to become more patient with life in general. Remember that I don't like to see presents sitting around unwrapped? Well, I want the good health package open now - not months down the road - but now. I shall practice deep breathing. MEDICATION UDATE: I take sooo any meds now that I have them divided a.m. and p.m. Unfortunately I forget to take the evening ones. I have requested and received a sweet young voice from Portland to call me each and every evening to take my pills. Thanks Sammi - keep the boys all smiling in my camera - Time to rest. Love you all - mom

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Here I go again-catch me if you can

Justin and Deb wanted me to be sure to say that they are my favorites! Hey! You know when all of your bodies were little we sometimes all ft into the same bed - except when one or more had 'something like candy or cookie. IT isn't pleasant to be in the middle of six children and one cookie and try to maintain one's own sanity. I have lots to write and I will write more. Need to lau bacl and relax a bit.