Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Time Runs Right By

As many of you know, I had a nice visit in the hospital in Boise from last Thursday to this past Monday; kidneys stopped working. What a freaky experience and one I do not care to ever repeat. My family stayed by my side and tried so hard to keep me sane, which was extremely difficult (sorry family for all the drama). To my husband, Virg, thank you for saving my life and to my daughter, Cyndi, thank you for notifying Virg I was in trouble. Now, enough about that happening. Cyndi has been with us since Tuesday and claims to be leaving tomorrow - rats! - I have certainly kept her busy - She cut my hair on Wednesday - all thin, spikey, and white now but at least it may stop falling into my food -YUCK. We did it outside and tossed the hair into the wind hoping the birds can use some to fill their nests! We took a ride around around the local lake today. It was nice to get out of the house! Farmers are busy, irrigation is under way. Cyndi and Virg are harrassing me and want me to share that I actually had a drink from Sonic and only had to have two cups this time. Before I kept poking the straw right through the cup - sticky mess. Hey, at least I was strong enough to do it! Hey all, be sure to continue to visit the other blogs - Virg and I thinkn we have the most talented kids and grandkids in the world. I now know how to get into my blog easier, so I will try to keep up better. Here is to a stronger tomorrow and another beautiful day. Love to all - DG

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