Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'mmmmm Back!

Wow - took me long enough to figure out how to get back here! I've had some problems with depression lately but fortunately I was able to face my fears and thoughts of worthlessness and am ready to buck it up as they say. It has turned very very hot here. Thank goodness we do have an air conditioner. We are using as much power as we did last year and are trying to get it to go down a little. I'm still crocheting and reading - trying to walk some each day. Went to the Mall this morning expecting to walk and managed to walk to Joanne's Fabrcs and did a little shopping there but then had a hard time getting back to the car. Thankl goodness for Virg's help. Rode a scooter shopping the other day - noisest thing I've ever head inside a store but it did help. Yesterday I actually walked up and down pretty good sized inclines. I've decided that iced-T was developed just for me. I can remember when I was little that my mom always had a glass pitcher of iced-T in the fridge every summer and usually a tupperware pitcher of kool-aid. The 4th of July is upon us shortly. Virg delivers that day and I will be staying home to keep cool and quiet. I hope you all remember the price of freedom and be thankful in your hearts for what we do have here in this country. I know we all have varied opinions on this and that is good. I love you all - I'll write more soon.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just musing on a Saturday morning

Well good morning all. Sunny, dry, warm, no wind - what more could I want? Well, it would be nice if y'all lived here! However, you don't.:) Up and out early to pick up some prescriptions. We went to Farmers Market but didn't find anything - so nice to be out. I sat and listened to some live music and watched people; visited with one of my coworkers there. Virg surprised me by saying he was going to pick up some cooking oil at the store and then picked up sandwiches, chips and drinks for a surprise picnic at the Caldwell park. It felt so good to just relax. Talked with Sprint today. We've been checking around and we have about the best set up with them. I am going to ask one thing of y'all. We need to keep our calls down during the daytime unless it's emergency stuff. If somehow we could all have the camera setup on our computers it would be wonderful. I love, love hearing from you anytime - I just have to watch my minutes. We didn't realize that the minutes count when you call us - okay, you can all stop laughing now - you'll get old some day and your kids will have stories to laugh about with you also. Feeling well, keeping positive. Remember to touch base with those you love. You are wonderful kids and we love you all. Who can remember what grandpa used to say he was going to do to you? (Hint - upsidedown...) Who ever e-mails me with the complete sentence will be the winner of a granny kiss from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love to you all.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We drove to Baker City Monday and spent some time visiting with Cyndi and her friend/co-worker Fran. It is always so healing to visit with my family. I had never seen the Grand Geyser Hotel before and must say it is quite nice. I wonder if my folks were ever in there....we tried to find where our old home might have been on Walnut Street. I think it might now be an empty lot. Baker City is a clean little town. We had dinner at the Geyser - so much food! It was nice to sit and visit. Virg started to not feel well on the way home and has been quite sick. He went to work this morning but did come back home. I hope in some ways I am able to help HIM for a change. He is quite the independent person when he doesn't feel well. The sun is shining this morning but it is cold out, especially for June. Hopefully Cyndi was able to get back to Pendleton last night. Imagine - snow in June. It gives me the chills to just think about it.

The big news is - my supervisor called this morning. I haven't worked since the end of February and I just now got a 48 cent raise. Guess they liked my work ethic!. I will see the result of the raise in July but that's all. (First time ever that I got a raise and didn't even work for it:)

Time to do some cleaning up - I'll run and set my timer and see if I can lengthen it out to 20 minutes but more than likely move it back to 10 minutes. In reading entries on my met 4 e-mail, I've come to realize that all combined chem0, other drugs, the tumors in general, etc., all weaken your system and there isn't a lot a person can do about that but take care of themselves. The group just took a pole on the age of members.... everywhere from late twenties to middle 70's and many, many have been dealing with stage 4 for years. I think what I need to work on most is my patience. Patience with myself mostly. I need to relax my mind as well as my body and accept each day as they say... as a gift. Have a great day and I'll write more later. Be Happy.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday Wanderings

Sunshine this morning. Hooray! It is nippy out though and the wind is blowing AGAIN. We hit a couple of yard sales and picked up some new things for the kids to have when they come over. One thing is actually a Halloween costume. When I first saw it, I thought it was an alligator but it turned out to be the cutest dragon. I'm sure Payton will play it to death. But it will be a change of scenery since he always pretends to be a wolf or a tiger. We'll teach him Puff the Magic Dragon! Went to my favorite used book store this morning. I have some good books. I happened to mention that I did get three of them from Powell's. The store keeper told me that was her favorite place in the world and she did give me some good return on those books. There is a Red Hat series by Haywood Smith that I really enjoy so I got three of those books and three others and didn't spend a dime. We are really looking forward to the coming week. We will see Cyndi in Baker on Monday and then Virg's aunt and uncle will be here from Montana the rest of the week and we will seeing them quite a bit.

I feel well today but very tired. I have received notification from both State Disability and Social Security Disability. I will be talking with SS on Monday to find out for sure how to report the other Disability. It is my understanding that I will get the amount of the SSDI and then the State Disability will make up the balance of what they owe. I also understand that I do have to pay taxes on this if Virg and I make over $32,000 gross together. Well, that shouldn't be a problem. However, I have to be very vigilent about putting money aside just in case. Also, I have to pay my health insurance every month as they don't take it out of the State Disability. Right now this seems very overwhelming to me and though I try to follow everyone's edict to not worry - I still worry. We will be okay as our lives are very, very good. I will tell you that I am trying to make contact with the State regarding insurance coverage if we were to move from the State. Otherwise, we are set in stone right here until at least August of 2010. If anyone has ideas about how to manage the above (taxes and insurance), please let me know ASAP. Thanks to all for all your help and understanding. Love you - MOM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's the pitts and it isn't cherries or apricots or peaches!

I'm sick and tired of this routine and I need to do something about it. I've tried reading, crocheting, knitting, cross stitching, watching tv (yuck). I think it is about time I got off my butt and did some house cleaning. SO, tomorrow I'm setting my stove timer for 15 minute intervals and try to get something done. Cross your fingers this works. Does anyone know for SURE that Pamela is graduating?? I got the announcement today with her picture in it. Tried calling Deb a couple of times today but she was busy as I know she would have answered me. Love to call- MOM

Monday, June 2, 2008

Beautil Morning!

Lots of sunshine this morning. All the trees have leaves now. All the feeders are being used. I bought several easy read books from the libray book sale Friday and may just take a lawn chair outside after while and read. I put dinner in crockpot - some thinly cut stead with pasta (red) sauce over it. I was going to use mushroom soup but I guess we are out. I'll make some pasta and call it Italian steak; luckily Virg will pretty much eat anything. I loved Deb's blog about Sammi - she definitely is quite the kid and will enjoy being challenged in the new school venture. Justin shared with me that Jackson was bullied the other morning at daycare - right in front of Justin. Justin handled it very well and then he said he had a hard time keeping from crying when he left the boys there. Ahhh fatherhood. Well, I think it is about time to venture outside. I love you all and plan on "dancing" through the rest of my life. See you soon.