Monday, June 2, 2008

Beautil Morning!

Lots of sunshine this morning. All the trees have leaves now. All the feeders are being used. I bought several easy read books from the libray book sale Friday and may just take a lawn chair outside after while and read. I put dinner in crockpot - some thinly cut stead with pasta (red) sauce over it. I was going to use mushroom soup but I guess we are out. I'll make some pasta and call it Italian steak; luckily Virg will pretty much eat anything. I loved Deb's blog about Sammi - she definitely is quite the kid and will enjoy being challenged in the new school venture. Justin shared with me that Jackson was bullied the other morning at daycare - right in front of Justin. Justin handled it very well and then he said he had a hard time keeping from crying when he left the boys there. Ahhh fatherhood. Well, I think it is about time to venture outside. I love you all and plan on "dancing" through the rest of my life. See you soon.

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