Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Doubling up!

Saw Dr. Pulver today; I sure like him. He answers any questions I ask him. I told him we were looking to move to Portland. He said "Why do you want to live in Portland with all that rain?" He then said he lived in Salem for a while and it was very beautiful in Portland. He understands wanting to move and gives it a thumbs up. One of the doctors at the clinic used to be with Oregon Health Science Center and so when and if we are ready to make the move he will be more than happy to help us with the physician/clinic decision. He told me that I puzzle him. My pain is still so great and yet the medication is working so well. The tumor marker is down again - to 117! So, the plan of action is - we are increasing the antidepressant and doubling the pain medication. He thinks my depression, anxety, and inability to sleep are all due to my pain issues and that if we can get that under control, then we will be able to stop the depressant meds. I asked him exactly what our plan is and he said it is to keep the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body and to get rid of the cancer I do have. He feels we are doing just that because of the tumor marker results. So, onward and upward. No other news here - another beautiful summer day. I'm tired right now and can hardly keep my eyes open; no nap though or I won't go to sleep later. Ruby behaved herself this afternoon and she was quiet last night at the senior center. I love you all - MOM

1 comment:

DebbPDX said...

YAY! Two good things: Cancer marker down and Doctor says you can move. We are really close to OHSU!!! One tram-ride up the hill and you're there.