Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday, Monday - Said the Mamas and the Papas

Well, I'm not sure if am a little out in lala land or not because I have only taken my regular dose of morphine, but I am feeling fine (except for my left foot). Guess I shouldn't complain though - I remember the movie My Left Foot and since it was a true story I think I don't have too much to complain about my left foot. Talked with Rissa on Skype this morning (just love that program!) and she shared a drawing that Sammi had made for me. It had this saying on it "Grandma, remember you have Cancer but Cancer doesn't have you! Now, I don't know if she saw this saying somewhere or read about it or if she wrote it straight from that busy brain of her's but it really made me feel good. For so many years, too many to even imagine now, I have wanted to slow down and just take some time to smell the dandelions (daisies, roses - or whatever) and now I have that time and I need to take real advantage of it. I love to remember and replay in my mind the fun, funny, and funnier times I've had in my life. I'll share a couple here: Your father and I actually had 10-speed bikes when we first lived in Vancouver. It was after Cyndi had been born. We didn't do any long rides, just mostly short neighborhood ones and I really liked riding. Now, Vancouver has some pretty scary hills and I had managed to take one or two of those. I was going down a rather small hill and panicked as there was a curve at the bottom. Well, I did the usual and forgot that there were hand brakes and not brakes with the pedals, missed the curve and ran right into a huge rosebush in a very nice yard. The owner of the rosesbush was not the least bit happy with me and told me so - over and over. After apologizing a million times, I got back on the bike and rode back home. Didn't know thorns on rose bushes could make you bleed so much. Anyway - it was funny; clutz that I am. One other thing comes to mind and that was the camping trip at Fort Stevens where your father dropped us off and went back into town to work. I don't know how I ever made it through that week - honestly! The bats at night scared me speechless. We had some fun times camping and nobody starved to death either. Well, going to go get something put together for dinner tonight so Virg can just throw it in the oven. When we move to Portland I hope our kids will promise upon losing their eyebrows that they will not make me ride a bike or sleep in a tent! But I could make them some camp food. That would be fun. Love to you all - Gramma Doodle


Mary Elliott said...

Not even my three wheel tricycle??

DebbPDX said...

I want to find the rosebush lady and poke her with a million little thorns . What a major crab! A lady fell into our low, but scratch bushes along side of the house the other day, and I felt terrible once I'd realized what happened... Shooey (who was on a leash) charged toward her (he couldn't reach the sidewalk -- I saw to that) but she was startled (naturally) and kind of lept/fell into the shrubs. I didn't know until she crossed the street and I didn't have a chance to apologize. Shooey doesn't get to patrol the front yard any more.