Friday, July 4, 2008


I am glad this week is coming to an end! Tuesday I saw my onc (oncologist) who changed pain med back to the time release morphine and added the vicodin in between the time schedule for the 12 hour split on the morphine; also he wants me to get out and about to build up my strength. He gave me a prescription for a rolling walker. I found a heavy duty one at Costco on line that I will be getting; however, due to the fact that my deductible started over on 7-1-08 so I will have to wait just a little. AND waiting will be just fine. When I went to the doctor on Tuesday, I pointed out to him that my left foot was quite swollen, blue in places, and
EXTREMELY painful. He examined it quite thoroughly and said perhaps it was a side effect of the chemo oral med as, unfortunately, the drug actually does cause pain and it releaves pain (just thinking about that makes me sick); SOOOOOO, he had me stop the chemo med for a week to see if that would cut the bone, muscle and joint pain as that is a side-effect of that particuar drug. We will start another drug in one week. When I woke up on Thursday, my foot was REALLY swollen and very, very painful. I called the onc who sent me to WVMC for x-rays. It wasn't broken, there wasn't any worry about it being cancer and that it was something with the tendons called plantar e (I can't remember how to spell the second word) . He said it was imperative that I stay off my feet and use crutches at home to get around. SO, let's review the week: Tuesday, get a rolling walker and building your strength - Thursday, absolutely stay off your feet. Zippidy Do Dah, I love life. It's always worth a chuckle. Way, way hot here. I've been thinking about the 4th when I was little. The entre park was filled with service clubs selling food and playing games for which you could win little prizes; a baseball tournament all day for boys; the park full with people having picnics; a car show; and then about 7:00 people started gathering in the golf course which is right in the middle of town and has a man road going right through it. People brought food, drink, blankets, and sparklers. At about 9:45 the firework display started. Until I was about 10 or 11, I never saw the fireworks because I was afraid of the noise. There, I said it! Your mom was a fraidy cat! To this day, I kind of get nervous to watch them. Well, that's enough revealing information for now. If you have any childhood questions just let me know and I'll try to reveal more. Please picture this: a 60 yo women (overweight) with cancer in most of the bones in her body but especially in the spine trying to manuever crutches so as to keep her left foot from even touching the ground/floor. Funny, huh? Now throw in the morpine and vicodin and it gets hilarious. Should anything actually happen, I will try to keep all names confidential so as not to embarras any of you. :) Love to you all, MOM. Every day is precious - t


greenmachinelover said...

Let's get you that walker ASAP... we can spray paint it bright sparkly purple.

DebbPDX said...

that last comment is from ME... I'm typing on Zac's computer.