Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Beautiful Sunshiney Day

Wow! What a wonderful Saturday. Cyndi flew in Friday to surprise Virg for his birthday and Deb sent a card and shirt (good saying on the shirt...he loves it). Today we went to Farmer's Market in Nampa. I used the wheelchair and managed to actually wheel myself most of the time, which was a real upper for me. I ran into my cancer nurse who took time to talk with me; she said I was doing absolutely the best thing by getting out and about. We did visit the used bookstore, which always makes me happy! Then we had lunch at TGIFriday's. Pretty spicy but good and much different than normal for me. Cold Lasnage noodles over warmed breaded egg plant with fresh mozzerela cheese and tiny tomatoes with olive oil and garlic. We also shared some garlic shrimp on scewers. Gary and Cyndi contemplated trying the deep fried macaroni and cheese but decided their health came first. :) Cyndi and I had iced tea later in the day to spend some quality quiet time and vist while discussing should/should not move to Portland. The tea was cinnamon pumb and was quite good. Well, if moving is meant to be then it will be. Some good places that we could afford. I just need to listen more to my girls and not be afraid to take the plunge. I have the chance of a lifetime here - to be near the ones I love so much and have my wonderful husband support me (heck, he's ready to move tomorrow). Adventure is what he wants. Thank God he doesn't want to move to the Alaskan wilderness and dig out our own mountain home. That was a dream of someone in a past marriage - I actually feared he would up and do it. Couldn't you just seem me - barefoot, pregnant, shooting bears, and drying salmon. NOOOOOO! Life is so good; I would miss the sun but would love all the Portland has to offer. I moved back to Idaho to gain strength and be near my dad. He has been gone since 1994; my Tommy brother is gone; George is so busy with his life and famiy and we want to be near our kids. Who knows, Michele and Justin may end up in Portland. Cross your fingers, say your prayers, light your candles and help us get there if this is really to be. I love all of you. MOM

1 comment:

Mary Elliott said...

Someone else would love to have you closer besides your kids.... ME, ME, ME!! Prayers are going up for you both...